Lamb of God
Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! Good Friday. It was a good day indeed. Let us not forget to add to our reflections today all the weighty events that preceded the holy moment of Jesus' death on the cross. After their Passover meal together the previous evening, Jesus and His disciples stayed up into the small hours of this morning as they journeyed to Gethsemane. Jesus speaks to His disciples of the Father's love, of the soon coming Holy Spirit, and repeats the commandment of love. Jesus then takes some time in solitude to pray. In the very last hours of freedom left to Him, Jesus pours His heart out to the Father for you and me. "...that they may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." (John 17:21) Here we read the reward Jesus sought in His sacrifice: us. Meditate on Jesus as the Lamb of God - He who so loved the world He made a way to bring us back into oneness with Himself.
Reading: John 15-19
Idea: Make a simple cross out of branches or wood pieces. Spend some time in joyful reflection on what Jesus has done for you and all the world. On little pieces of paper write out things that weigh on your heart - troubles, sins, sickness - and pin them to the cross. Sometimes a simple symbolic act opens our heart to be able to connect with God and hear His voice in a new and deeper way.
Join us for Good Friday service tonight at 7 pm!