Reaching and Rescuing the Prodigal | Pastor Ben Dixon

Aug 11, 2024    Pastor Ben Dixon

Everyone has friends and family members who either walked away from Jesus or never fully surrendered their heart to Him even though they had opportunities to do so. This reality is heart wrenching and difficult for all of us, and I am sure that we would do anything we could to see our loved ones come back to Jesus. None of us are alone in this; in fact, James closes his letter with a few words about the importance of seeking to restore the prodigals in our life. As we study these verses and close the book of James, may God breathe fresh love and vision to reach and rescue those who have lost their way.

Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon

Scripture: James 5:19-20

Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith

Northwest Church -

"On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."