How to Handle Suffering | Pastor Ben Dixon

Jul 21, 2024    Pastor Ben Dixon

Suffering is part of the human experience and all of us will deal with it in one way or another. Yeah, you heard me right, there is no way out of some suffering in our life. But what if I told you that there is a way to walk through your suffering that shows what you believe, who you trust and can serve as an example for those that are watching your life? Would that change how you suffer? I am sure it would. In our passage today, James speaks directly to first-century Christians who have suffered the loss of wages, jobs, righteous rulings in court, and other forms of discrimination for being poor, Jewish, and Christian. As a result of this, James gives some clarity on how to handle suffering when you can’t change your reality.

Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon

Scripture: James 5:7-12

Series: The Book of James: Authentic Faith

Northwest Church -

"On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."