Awakened by the Word | Pastor Ben Dixon
A person might ask the question, “Why do Christians need revival?” The simple answer is that God’s people, for whatever reason, tend to spiritually decline over time. There are many accounts of this reality throughout the Bible, and I am sure that most of us have seen or experienced this in our own lives as well. God, by His grace, will pour out His Spirit in a fresh way to awaken us to who He is and what He has called us to do. As we read some of the Biblical accounts where God awakened His people, we will find that His Word played a primary role to bring conviction and response to what He was doing. We know that God’s Word is alive and still causes hard hearts to soften, dead churches to revive, and all people to encounter the living God in a life-changing way.
Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon
Scripture: Hebrews 4:12-13, 2 Chronicles 34:19-21, 2 Chronicles 34:33, Luke 3:10-14, Acts 2:37-39, Isaiah 66:1-2
Sermon Series: We Need Revival
Northwest Church -
"On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."