A Hunger for More | Pastor Ben Dixon

Oct 6, 2024    Pastor Ben Dixon

When someone says “revival” I am sure that many things come to our mind. The word “revival” is not found in the Bible, but the root word “revive” is used dozens of times. This word comes from a Hebrew word that is used hundreds of times in the Old Testament and is typically translated as, “revive, to live, to make alive, to recover or restore.” So, biblically speaking, a reviving work of God is when a person/people are spiritually awakened after being in a state of spiritual dormancy or stagnation. This “reviving” usually causes people to repent, pray, and renew their commitment to God which brings about fresh love, obedience and passion for Jesus Christ. While revival is something that God does, we certainly play a role in positioning our hearts and minds to receive what God wants to do. This requires a fresh spiritual hunger for more of Him. Are you hungry for God to move in your heart and through your life? That’s what we are going to focus on today as we launch our new series, “We Need Revival.”

Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon

Scripture: Matthew 5:6, Psalm 34:8, 1 John 2:15-17, Ephesians 5:15-18, Revelation 3:15-16, Psalm 63:1, Matthew 16:24, Matthew 16:25-26

Series: We Need Revival

Northwest Church - www.nwcfoursquare.org

"On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made."