A Church on Fire | Pastor Ben Dixon

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Ben Dixon

A common critique of the modern American church is that we are more internally focused than externally focused. When and where this criticism is true of God’s people, we will find a church that is slowly dying spiritually because much our mission is to reach a broken, hurting, and dying world. We must be a church that is on fire for Jesus. That means we are bold, unashamed, passionate, and focused on reaching people in every way that we possibly can. How do we move from learning to living, from casual to passionate, and from passive to engaged? In today’s message, we will look at how the church went from fearful to fired up with the mission of Christ, and our hope is that God would do the very same in us today!

Speaker: Pastor Ben Dixon

Scripture: Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-21

Series: Staff Pastors

Northwest Church - www.nwcfoursquare.org

On mission with Jesus to see the lost saved and disciples made.