The Food Pantry is a ministry of Northwest Church to our church family and people in surrounding cities, including Federal Way, Auburn, and NE Tacoma. Our desire is to provide individuals and families assistance during difficult times.
The Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays and located on the north side of the building. Bags will be available for drive-through pick up between 8:30 - 9:30 am (as long as supplies last). People will receive a full bag of groceries, including fruit and vegetables, bread, fresh eggs, and more! The process moves quickly, and you should be through the line in minutes. During this time no ID or proof of address is needed.
For those wanting to donate to the Food Pantry, we can use the following donations:
Non-perishable Goods such as canned foods (chili, ravioli, soups, beans, vegetables, fruit), cereal boxes, oatmeal, rice, pasta and pasta sauce, mac n cheese, instant potatoes, canned chicken and tuna, peanut butter and jelly, applesauce, fruit and granola bars, juice boxes, etc.
Empty Egg Cartons

These goods may be dropped off in the food pantry bins located outside the south main entrance.
Monetary Donations Checks may be made out to Northwest Church, please put “Food Pantry” in the memo line. Online donation is available HERE -  follow the instructions and chose “Food Pantry” from the drop down menu.

Questions? Please contact