
Discipleship is the process of following Jesus, learning from His teachings, and living out His example in everyday life by the power of the Holy Spirit. It involves growing in faith, cultivating a personal relationship with the Lord, and helping others to do the same.

Engage our Discipleship Pathway through the various opportunities we have throughout the year.


Discipleship Tracks are classes that focus on the essentials of our Christian faith.  Each track includes teaching, discussion, and prayer as well as a commitment to outside learning through daily Bible reading and weekly messages.  

We have eight unique classes offered throughout the year:

  • Following Jesus
  • Holy Spirit
  • Prayer
  • Hearing God
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Systematic Theology
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Evangelism
  • Stewarding Your Finances


To grow deeper in the Lord, we must cultivate healthy Christian relationships that are built around Scripture, Prayer, and Worship. Being part of a group will encourage, challenge, and empower you to love God more, build His church, and serve others well.


Through Discipleship Mentoring, a mature believer meets with you weekly one on one for 2-3 months, to help you learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to help you grow in your personal relationship with Him. We cover topics relating to foundational aspects of the Christian faith walk, focusing on your specific areas of need, and addressing questions you may have.

If you would like someone to mentor you, or if have been a member of NWC for some time and are interested in becoming a mentor, please email Matt Yeomans at matt.yeomans@nwcfoursquare.org.

Northwest Church is in partnership with Foursquare's Life Pacific University to provide high-quality, affordable, Christ-centered education for emerging ministry leaders.